LA Waterfront at Berth 46
3011 Miner St
San Pedro, CA 90731
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Event Parking
Free parking will be available in official designated event parking lots only. Please follow traffic and event parking staff directions upon arrival as various lot locations will be utilized on show days. Marina & Local Parking Rules are enforced, so please plan accordingly and follow local parking restrictions/closures on event days to avoid fines/tows.
Carpooling encouraged. No overnight parking allowed.
ADA Parking
There will be limited ADA parking spots for guests with disabilities. Parking is available on a first-come, first-serve basis and requires a verified handicap placard, permit, or license plate to enter this parking lot. The person to whom the handicap credential is issued must be present in the vehicle, as a driver or passenger and will be asked to present identification to match upon arrival to the ADA lot. Please follow ADA directional signage for access.
Pickup & Drop-Off
All Pick Up/Drop offs, including rideshare (Uber/Lyft), Taxi, and personal pick car services will be located on the Southwest corner of Miner St. & E. 22nd St, with access via Miner St. Designated pin points will be activated during festival hours for this location only. Please follow the necessary directional signage upon arrival to the festival area and avoid stopping or hailing vehicles outside the designated pick up/drop off area for safety.